Hi! I'm Nina, german-brazilian polyvalent photographer and professional retoucher based in Paris, France.
Specialized in photo retouch, processing and manipulation, I work as a professional retoucher for several photographers in diferent areas, since 2011.
Bachelor in Graphic Design [University FUMEC, MG - Brazil]. Photographer [Panamericana School of Art and Design, SP - Brazil].
I have teached photography and photographic post-production software from 2011 to 2022, having worked at institutions, including Panamericana and Sesc SP [Brazil].
I was the producer and teacher of online courses on the Eduk platform [Brazil]
I have also created and teached online Photoshop courses for the Domestika platform [Worldwide].
I have teached photography and photographic post-production software from 2011 to 2022, having worked at institutions, including Panamericana and Sesc SP [Brazil].
I was the producer and teacher of online courses on the Eduk platform [Brazil]
I have also created and teached online Photoshop courses for the Domestika platform [Worldwide].
Olá, eu sou A Nina, fotógrafa polivakente e tratadora profissional de imagem germano-brasileira, morando em Paris, França.
Sou especializada em tratamento e manipulação de imagens, trabalho na pós produção de fotógrafos de diversas áreas desde 2011.
Bacharel em Design Gráfico pela Universidade FUMEC (MG) e fotógrafa formada pela Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design (SP). Lecionei fotografia e softwares de pós produção fotográfica de 2011 a 2022, tendo passado por diversas instituições dentre elas o Sesc SP e a Escola Panamericana de Arte e Design.
Aguarde a resposta em seu email.Obrigada!